Automated Cutters for Truck Tarpaulins and Covers
Truck load covers, retractable tarps and rollover systems are ideal products to design and cut on an automated cutting system. They're products which need a high level of accuracy and detail however, they're also perfect for rapid pattern design using a CAD plug-in. A plugin tool will allow someone who is not a CAD expert to create a fully detailed pattern, ready for cutting from a sales order form in a minute or two.
Aeronaut has developed plug-in tools for many products like retractable tarps and rollovers which are customised to suit a businesses products so the tool works the way you want it to for your products and customers. Not only are software plug-ins a huge time saver, but the process doesn't require expert CAD users to create patterns.
Automated cutting systems for work with PVC and other technical textiles used for tarpaulins and covers need to be wide span, accurate and carry the tools to suit the work… cutting tools, punches and markers. Flatbed vacuum tables are ideal for accurate cutting of wide roll textiles like PVC. With cutting surfaces that have a very long service life and low replacement cost, flatbed cutting tables are an asset to your bottom line.
The Tools of Your Trade
Aeronaut's Elektron Mono WS with Cam-lock quick change tooling is the essential cutter for truck tarps, covers, canvas and PVC. The Elektron Mono WS can be made up to 6.5 metres wide to span the widest fabrics or joined materials. A heavy-duty machine, the Elektron Mono WS has the power to do the job, and the reliability to keep working with minimal maintenance.
The Elektron Quattro multi-tool cutter can carry up to four steered Cam-lock quick change tools including rotary blades, drag blades and drill punches which are switched by software when cutting. This means you can handle the widest range of work, efficiently and accurately whatever the future is in truck and transport products.
Cam-lock Quick Change Tools
Cam-lock tools can be changed by hand in a few seconds so you can fit the tools you need, when you need. On the Elektron Quattro, tools are changed automatically under software control.
The Cam-lock tool range includes 18mm, 28mm and 45mm rotary blades, tangential or drag knives with various depth stops for normal and high friction materials, creasing and scoring tools in a wide range of profiles and drill-punch sizes from pin to over 25mm. Drill-punch inserts are easy to sharpen and exchange.
Software, Nesting and Technology
Contact Aeronaut
Get the facts from the factory direct. If you want advice on automated cutting, an offer on a complete cutting system or to arrange a demonstration, just ask!